Steven Ehrbar's Personal Page
At the moment, it's just a collection of links:
- Main Page
- The original reason for this website; a collection of Jargon Files
- Pyramid Page
- My (very) brief guide for the SJ Games MOO.
- Keyboards Page
- My various Windows 2000/XP keyboard drivers for easy access to accented letters, and related files.
Game Products
- The Munchkin Feats You Couldn't Possibly Imagine
- An article of mine that appeared in D20 Weekly. Pyramid subscription required for access, preview here.
- Nonhuman Rights in the Transhuman United States
- An article of mine that appeared in Pyramid Magazine; high on background, low on crunch. Pyramid subscriber link.
- Appendix Z: Golem Construction System for GURPS
- Another article of mine that appeared in Pyramid Magazine; high on crunch, low on background. Pyramid subscriber link.
- Creature Collection III: Savage Bestiary

- I'm responsible for the Overseer.
- Relics & Rituals

- I did the Asaathi Battle Ring
- Relics & Rituals II

- Spells: Austlinan's Violent Scream, Chardun's Glory, Chardun's Presence, and Transform Dead. True Ritual: Chardun's Consecration. Magic Items: Morningstar of the Black Thorns, Sword of Divine Prowess, Warscepter of Pain, Ring of the Covenant, Vigilant's Rod, and Sorcerer's Crystal.
- Player's Guide to Wizards, Bards, and Sorcerers

- My Ecstatic Vision was published here, though they omitted my credit.
- Dial S for Superhumans
- I contributed two of the supers.
Et cetera
- The Annals of Inherited Might
- Alternative God-Blooded Rules for Exalted, Second Edition.